1. Arrival time
● The gate shall be opened from 7:15am to 8:15am. After this time the gates shall be locked.
● The Pupils and Parents shall use the second gate going doing to G.T.H.S Molyko (Chapel Gate) for entrance and exit.
1. Closing time
● Closing for the different levels is as follows;
● Nursery One and Two: 1:00pm
● Classes One and Two: 1:30pm
● Classes Three and Four: 2:00pm
● Classes Five and Six: 2:30pm.
1. Dropping Off and Picking Up of Kids
● Parents take total charge of bringing their kids to school. They should ensure their kids have entered the Campus before taking off.
● Parents are expected to provide the school administration with 3 names and contacts of those to pick up their kids from school. Only these persons shall be allowed to sign and pick up kids from school.
● Any Parent/Guardian who wishes that their children should go home on their own is obliged to write an official authorization stating their intentions clearly. In this case, parents have only two options, which is either to pick up the child every day or the child goes home on his/her/their own every day.
● Any Parent/Guardian who is 30mins late without informing the class teacher shall be held accountable and may bear the cost of the Child being taken care of at that time.
● All Parents are expected to use the A&T gate (Chapel Gate) for entrance and exit. Parents who do not respect this will be violating the University’s regulation.
1. Governance
● CUIB A&T has as Governance body The Board of Advisors. This body regulates the activities of the school.
1. Parents’ Access to Pupils
● No Parent is allowed to make contact with a Pupil within school hours without permission from the Principal.
● A note shall be provided with a signature, name and/or stamp of the Principal for such contact to be made.
1. Meetings
● Parents are required to show up for meetings called up by the CUIB Administration or the Office of the Principal to talk about issues concerning their children.
● If the Parent does not show up for meetings and conferences called up by the Administration, he/she shall be called up by the Office of the Principal for explanation. If this continuous, you shall be advised to withdraw your child from CUIB A&T.
1. Methods of Communication
● The Administration shall use the following methods to communicate to Parents; Printed materials, SMSs, WhatsApp messages, Google Classroom, Emails and Phone calls.
● In cases of invitation for a meeting, the Parent/Guardian shall be expected to confirm his/her presence by filling a Confirmation note attached to the Invitation.
1. Complaints
● Complainants are expected to communicate directly with the member of staff concerned. However, if the case is of serious concerns it may be appropriate to arrange a meeting with the Principal to discuss the issues.
● In this case, you are expected to fill and put your complaint in writing by filling the complaint form.
● After filling the form, the office of the Principal will get back to you within 3 business days.
1. Attendance and Punctuality Policy
● Parents/guardians should fulfil their legal responsibility by ensuring their children attend school regularly and on time.
● If for any reason that will prevent their children from attending or being on time should contact the school authority and give valid reasons for why the child is not coming early.
1. Absences
● Authorized absences: staying away from school for an acceptable reason. For example: illness and/or medical appointments which unavoidably fall in the school day, emergencies or other unavoidable reasons. Evidence must be shown for this type of absence.
● Unauthorized absences: these are those which the school does not consider to be reasonable and for which no ‘leave of absence’ has been given by the Principal.
● Please remember it is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to ensure his/her child attends school regularly and on time.
1. Request for a leave of absence
● Parents/Guardians who within the term for one reason or the other may want the child to stay out of school must obtain a leave of absence from the school administration. You will be expected to fill and submit a leave of absence request form. The leave form has the criteria for authorization.