Pupils of CUIB Elementary Entrepreneurial Academy (CEEA) the Academy of Talents are expected to respect the following policies guiding their stay in CUIB A&T. Parents and teachers have an important role to play to ensure kids respect these policies and procedures.
1. Attendance
● Time of arrival: 7:15am – 8:00am.
● Time of departure as stipulated by the school administration.
● Pupils are required to attend classes every school day unless excused.
1. Leaving school before Departure time
● During school hours, no pupil is permitted to leave the school grounds unless given authorization to do so.
● If a child must leave school before departure time, the Parent/Guardian must seek authorization from the administration before doing so.
1. Personal Items
● Pupils must not bring toys, games, radio, phones etc. to school.
● The school shall assume no responsibility for the loss of stolen personal property.
● Pupils property i.e. clothing, lunch boxes, purses, bags etc should be labeled by their parents/guardians.]
● Articles found in and around the school premises will be placed in the ‘lost and found’. This area should be checked by pupils in case their items get missing.
1. Assignment
● Pupils must submit their assignments on the due date of submission.
● Pupils are advised to do their assignments by themselves with help from their Parents/Guardians.
1. Pupils should restrain from the following acts
● Bullying and fighting in school
● Destruction of others property
● Stealing
● Any Pupil caught doing the above shall be sent to the Campus Ministry for help. The case shall also be reported to the Parents for follow-up at home.
● If this act(s) persists, the school shall be faced with no option than to advise the Pupil to withdraw.
1. Hair styles
● Pupils are expected to have hair styles that will be permit them and friends to learn freely. No excessive hair styles shall be permitted.
1. Eating in School
● Lunch shall be provided to every kid who has been registered in CUIB A&T.
● Kids shall be allowed to eat only during break. For special cases of consideration, please inform the Office of the Principal.